performans zemlja

PETAK, 25. JUN 2021.
u 19.00 časova
UK Parobrod, Kapetan Misina 6a


FRIDAY, JUNE 25th, 2021
Cultural Centre Parobrod, Kapetan Misina 6a


Prijava/ Registration

Performans Zemlja spaja postupke baštovanstva, brige o biljkama i zemlji (lat. TERRA) sa pričama o migracijama i emigrantima i promišlja napor, bol i prilagođavanje „presađivanja” koje se dešava u procesu migracije, posebno prinudne promene zemlje. Pored upoznavanja sa činjenicama o migrantskim procesima sa kojima se suočavamo poslednjih godina (kao i ranije u istoriji), performans želi da probudi saosećanje sa ljudima kojima se takvo „presađivanje” događa. Rad uključuje i video zapise.

Performance Terra connects gardening, plants cultivation, and soil/earth (lat. TERRA) with stories about migrations and immigrants. It contemplates effort, pain, and adjustment it takes to be “transplanted” during the process of migration, especially when that movement has been involuntary. Apart from acquainting the audience with the facts about mass migrations we have been facing in the recent years (as well as earlier in history), the performance Terra strives to awaken empathy with people that were transplanted in such a manner. The work includes video recordings. 

Autorka/Аuthor: Jadranka Anđelić
Performerka/Performer: Ljubica Damčević
Video/Video: Una Škandro